Garden Design
Step 1 – Draw up your landscaping and garden ideas before you start. Measure out your space and plot it on paper first. Sketch in your ideas so you have an accurate guide to follow before commencing construction. This step is extremely important and should not be rushed especially if your investing substantial funds into the project. If you don’t feel confident, employ a landscape designer to assist you. This will be money well spent and you will be thankful for the expertize and ideas you’ll get from someone with this experience. An experience landscape designer can help you add thousands of dollars value to your home simply by thinking through and getting all the details right.

Determine where your hard landscaping ie paths, paving, decks, seating, retaining walls etc will go. Then your soft landscaping ie your lawn area and gardens. Try to ensure there is balance between all three elements.

Step 2 – If this is going to be a DIY project, make sure you know exactly what you are going to do, how to do it and have all the necessary tools and materials ready before you start. If this project requires specialized contractors, have copies of your garden ideas plan ready to hand out to visiting contractors. When you have a plan accurately drawn out on paper they can give you a firm and accurate quote to assist you. Ask to see pictures of previous projects contractors have been involved in and be sure to drill them about their licensing and years within the industry. I have seen many projects spoiled by unqaulified, inexperienced contractors. Don’t let yours be one of them.

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