1. Soil preparation and nutrients – Plants need water, sunlight and nutrition to grow. Make sure you are providing all these to your vetetable plants. This advice will let you grow plants to their full potential.
2. Letting plants go root bound – Never let your plants go root bound. Inspect your plants every 2-3 years and repot them if necessary. Prune the roots, use a new potting mix and water well!
3. Calcium deficiency in peppers and eggplants – Blossom end rot is a common problem with tomatoes and peppers. By adding a calcium rich fertilizer, you can avoid blossom end rot in these vegetables
4. Feeding high nitrogen to edible roots – Root plants like radisha nd carrots must not be fed high nitrogen fertilizers. Doing so will result in a lot of foliage but no roots.
5. Over watering – Stop watering onions 2-3 weeks before harvest. If you over water onions when they are forming bulbs, the skin will start rotting
6. Harvesting prematurely – wait for the plant to finish its life before harvesting. With premature harvests, the plant has not grown to its full potential
7. Cauliflower problems – Cauliflower suffers from 2 problems – insect damage and buttoning. Insect problems like aphids can be avoided by spraying the plant with soapy water on the first sign of seeing insects. Buttoning can be avoided by planting in cooler weather and avoiding high nitrogen fertilizers
8. Not providing sunlight for plants – Always grow plants in sunlight. Most vegetable plants need 6-8 hours of sunlight
9. Planting in the incorrect season – Plant crops in the right season. Cool season vegetables do not grow well in hot weather and vice versa. Make sure you follow our video guides to know which season to plant your veggies.
10. Not buying seeds from a trusted source – Always buy seeds from a trusted source to avoid being cheated or get something else than what you ordered. We recommend that you buy seeds from one of the following sources:
1. Amazon (Bob’s rare seeds is a good vendor amongst others): http://amzn.to/28X2ZWY
2. Seed Savers: www.seedsavers.org
3. Baker’s Creek Seeds: www.rareseeds.com