OYR t-shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/one-yard-revolution
How You Can Support OYR without spending a penny:
If you shop on Amazon, you can support OYR simply by clicking this link (bookmark it too) before shopping: http://www.amazon.com/?tag=oneya-20
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one_yard_revolution/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oneyardrevolution
Harvest Highlights:
0:17 blueberries
1:22 gooseberries
1:31 garlic
2:10 potatoes
3:09 eggplant
3:21 peppers
3:40 zucchini
4:02 tomatoes
4:23 carrots
5:13 complete harvest
Oscar the Cat Cameo:
OYR is all about growing a lot of food on a little land using sustainable organic methods, while keeping costs and labor at a minimum. Emphasis is placed on improving soil quality with compost and mulch. No store-bought fertilizers, soil amendments, pesticides, compost activators, etc. are used.